Strictu Sensu Post-Graduation - PPG Masters´ Course in Biotechnology and Natural Resources - MBT/UEA
Course coordinator: Dr. Jair Max Furtunato Maia
Course secretary: Raquel Oliveira de Menezes, Esp.
Address: Av. Carvalho Leal, nº 1777 - 4th floor of the Annex Building - Cachoeirinha, Manaus - Amazonas - Brazil
CEP: 69065-001 -
The Master's Degree in Biotechnology and Natural Resources aims to qualify professionals to work in the areas of teaching, research, extension, innovation and management, in order to provide human resources to the public and private system of science and technology, capable of contributing to the sustained development of the Amazon and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. Its main objectives are:
- Train professionals to generate new inter and multidisciplinary knowledge, related to the potential use of natural resources in the Amazon;
- Enable the formation of research groups, encouraging the formation of inter and multidisciplinary competence networks for the development of production chains for products originating from biodiversity;
- Train professionals from the public and private network, aiming to improve their skills for higher education with an inter and multidisciplinary focus, in the areas of biotechnology and natural resources;
- Improve the productivity and quality of bioproducts, through the application of theoretical and practical knowledge of genetic engineering techniques, fermentative processes, cultivation of animal and plant cells and other technological processes.