> List of Institutions with which UEA has Agreements: |
The Masters Degree in Biotechnology maintains agreements with several institutions For maintenance and technical-scientific support of the Masters in Biotechnology and Natural Resources, UEA has the infrastructure of the Higher School of Health Sciences (ESA) and the School of Technology (EST); with the State Institutions: Tropical Medicine Foundation (FMT) and Hematology and Hemotherapy Foundation of Amazonas (HEMOAM); with the Federal Institutions: National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and the Amazonian Biotechnology Center (CBA). |
CENTRO DE BIOTECNOLOGIA DA AMAZÔNIA With the intention of starting its research activities from 2004 onwards, and with the objective of serving the research institutions and the biotechnology industries, the CBA will have 32 laboratories equipped for research activities, as well as a cadre of highly trained researchers. |
EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUÁRIA EMBRAPA currently has 13 doctors. An agreement was signed between the institutions, through which the experimental field, library and orientation by the researchers in the dissertations of the Masters students are made available. |
FUNDAÇÃO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DO AMAZONAS The Masters Degree in Tropical and Infectious Diseases, also linked to the School of Health Sciences - ESA, develops its teaching and research activities at FMT. The two masters courses are closely related, with the participation of students in scheduled activities such as lectures and seminars and the use of laboratories. |
Hemoam - Fundação Hospitalar de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Amazonas HEMOAM It is a state institution that has laboratories and technicians in the area of microbiology and biochemistry, providing equipment for tests and analysis of the researches of UEA postgraduate students. |
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISA DA AMAZONIA In the area of product and technology development, INPA´s knowledge is broad, with scientifically based indicatives that are fundamental to the support of actions and projects aimed at the development of the region. In accordance with the agreement signed between the institutions, INPA participates in the Masters in Biotechnology and Natural Resources, providing its research laboratories, library and researchers for the development of teaching activities and orientation in the research activities of the masters. |