Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Otávio Rios
Vice-coordinator: Profª Drª Lúcia Marina Puga Ferreira
Sub-coordinator: Profª Drª Cristiane da Silveira
Course Secretary: Me. Shirlei Regina Vilar da Costa Piñeiro
Telephone/Fax: +55 92 3878-4405
The interdisciplinary Post-graduate course in Humanities seeks to overcome a shortfall in the formation of post-graduates in the western Amazonas, principally in the need for qualified professionals to consider culture in its distinct manifestations and from its different configurations. One should start from the intertwining of traditional wisdom and scientific knowledge to understand a vast repertoire of practices of anthropology and sociology, of history and geography, of archeology, of education, of linguistics, of literature and of the diverse forms of art. One may note that these areas, although existent in the form of classes, bring up complex questions that cannot be analyzed in a circumscriptive manner as a theoretical framework and a single methodological practice. The interdisciplinary perspective, therefore, provides the investigation with a plural approach to the object in analysis, through which it becomes clear that the intersection of theoretical references common to the areas of study that compose the ample spectrum of Humanities. There are 3 research topics: 1) Immaterial capital, production and circulation of knowledge – the cognitive dimension of culture; 2) Critique, interpretation and history of art forms – the esthetic dimension of culture; 3) Spaces, memoirs and social configurations – the dimension of identity in culture, and the program unites 21 professors, among permanent staff and collaborators, grouped together in Manaus, Tefé where the program has a permanent center for the development of Post-Graduate courses, research and extension projects in the interior with the support of the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Institute (IDSM).
The Master’s course in Humanities, currently the only post-graduate level course in the program, was recommended by CAPES via CTC-ES on December 17th, 2015 and created through the resolution 7/2016 – CONSUNIV/UEA February 17th, retroactive from January 11th, 2016, published in the Amazonas State Official Journal (DOE-AM) of March 4th , 2016. The program is the result of the convergence of two fundamental groups, the New Social Cartography of the Amazon Project (PNCSA), led by Prof. Dr. Alfred Wagner Berno de Almeida, and The Amazonas State Professorship of Literary Studies and Culture (CAEL), led by Prof. Dr. Otávio Rios Portela and Dr. Veronica Prudente Costa, to which other research groups, which make up part of the program, became associated. The Master’s in Humanities course selection process for the 24 available places is held annually and the places are distributed between Manaus and Tefé according to the availability of thesis advisors.