Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Humanities - Coordination According to the Rules of Procedure, the Coordination of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Human Sciences, where the Masters Degree in Human Sciences is located, is composed of the Coordinator and sub-coordinator, a teaching member of each research area, and a student elected by peers. The current composition is as follows:
Prof. Dr. Otávio Rios Portela (Coordinator)
Prof. Dr. Veronica Prudente Costa (Sub-coordinator)
Prof. Dr. Gimima Beatriz Melo da Silva (Senior Member)
Prof. Dr. Rafael Ale Rocha (Member)
Prof. Dr. Pedro Henrique Coelho Rapozo (Member)
MSc. Shirlei Regina Vilar da Costa Piñeiro (Secretary)
Marcos Alan Costa Farias (Student member)
To contact the PPGICH Coordination, write to: cienciashumanas@uea.edu.br |